Fritillaria 'Lentune Lampoon'

F.  (aurea x pinardii) x pinardii

This seedling derives from my deliberate attempts to pollinate F. (aurea x pinardii) using pollen from a form of F. pinardii that traces back to the Alcabel Pass in South Western Turkey. 

The flower is intermediate between the seed parent and the putative pollen parent (albeit with the seed parent contributing the greatest influence). However the flowers lack the reflexed petals characteristic of both parents (particularly the 'Alcabel' pinardii). So I'm not entirely confident of my success with the intended pollen parent - bearing in mind that wasps can easily intervene in the pollination process to spoil my intentions!

Seed parent(F. aurea x pinardii)

Sourced from Kath Dryden around the turn of the millennium. Kath's catalogue provided no information about provenance. The literature contains various references to this hybrid (both natural and man-made).

In conclusion: I think my plant is Rix1602 but cannot be certain.

Pollen parent(F. pinardii)

A form of F. pinardii that traces back to the Alcabel Pass in South Western Turkey.

I grew this from seed received from the Fritillaria Group seed exchange in 2003.