Pleione Ueli Wackernagel 'Regal'

For my current sales list (available November to February) - email

Pleione Ueli Wackernagel is P. aurita x formosana

The flower shape clearly reflects that of the seed parent.

How I grow it:

  • Clay pots under glass during late winter and early spring. Once flowering has finished, and the likelihood of hard frosts is past, plants are perfectly happy outdoors but are kept in a well shaded position with ample watering during the summer period. They return under glass at the end of summer.

  • Plants are not watered from 1st October and stored in the garage from 1st November to 1st February.

  • Compost: I find that proprietary orchid mixes are far too open and porous for my purposes. I’m not an orchid grower! I do however grow a few Pleiones and use a mix of 50/50 proprietary ‘multipurpose’ compost and whatever inert material comes to hand (perlite, clay granules, cat litter etc). No loam, no grit.

  • The plants are only ever watered with rainwater and nutrients are primarily provided by annual repotting; however larger plants receive infrequent weak feeds when repotting becomes similarly infrequent. They receive lots of water when in full growth - then no water from 1st October.

  • Good ventilation is required at all times of the year. A light and open position is preferred in the early season, with increased shade during the summer months.

  • Thus far, my collection has been mercifully free from attack by either pest of disease. As a precaution against brevipalpus mites, the pseudobulbs are dipped in Neem Oil before repotting in late winter.